Monday, April 21, 2008

I finally hung it.  My sis Julia bought me this awesome print like 1.5 years ago, and its been sitting sadly in a tube behind my door.  I love this picture, so my wonderful sis brings the bacon, and I don't even hang it.  Shame!  Honestly I have been facing obstacles in my life differently since I got off my cracker-arse and bought this frame.  12 bucks and I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner.  Thanks Target.  Thanks Jewels.  Thanks Harry.  


Tayva said...

FABulous photo. He's almost as good looking as you are; but, not quite as cool. XO, Mummy

Jewels said...

He's so dirty, isn't he? I'm glad you love the pic, I was happy to give it to you. It looks great adorned on your wall!

: STEVE : said...

That's a taser. Swear it.

Mark said...

ahem...Richard, Target? Really? tisk tisk.

Hee hee. Love the picture. Good call Julia.

Jewels said...

You better post soon. You're on my list.

Gonna...gonna post a little something, are we? Post something funny, hmm? Taking a...taking a wee break, are we? Have time for that do we? Hmm?

: STEVE : said...

It's totally awesome how up-to-date your blog is. It's almost like you're blogging from the future!