Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Can you read this? Is my braille keyboard working?

Oh kay OH KAY!! I shouldn't joke. My sister Andrea was in town this last weekend, and gave me much grief about my sans-bloggering lifestyle. She mentioned the horrific truth that I last told you all about my upcoming Lasik procedure, and THEN I left you all without a recap! Left you worry! Left you to gossip! Alas -Sorry to my loyal 11 readers- allow me to return.

So.. I CAN SEE!!!! Lasik is by far the coolest thing in the whole wide world. SO cool in fact, that I'm going to attempt to tell you the sugery experience in as short a time as it took to complete. Its very science fiction- so grab some popcorn.

They lay me down in the dentists chair, and basically strap your eyes open. I'm sure they use Duct tape or something of equal adhesion and put some contraption on your eye ball... (don't worry, because you have nurses dropping drops in them all the while..)

My thoughts:
"This is weird. Say, is that my valium kicking in?"

Alright if your squeamish, skip this paragraph. This machine comes over to your eye (which is wearing the contraption) and slices the top of you clear corneal tissue about 90% off. Then here comes the doctors tweasers, as they grab your eye flap, and fold it back.

My thoughts:

I can still see, but its blurry. I look into some machine and its making all these clickies. I smell burning-eye. Couple drops, and they put the flap back. Pull of contraption. Elapsed time.. 3 minutes? Maybe less? Then again on lefty.

SO, that was my adventure! I have perfect vision, and my eyes are red all the time anymore! Yippee skippy.

So, I shall leave you with photos to show you how I look after Lasik.

Plus SHEP just gave me a swanky new haircut..


Andrea said...

Hooray!! I checked and look what I found! A post!
We are so glad you can see. And you are one handsome fellow. Goodness me. Shep just refined the diamond because you are a gem. Ha ha! Love you and the haircut.

Jewels said...

Equal adhesion?! The smell of burning eye?!? You are hilarious. And I LOVE that you can see! "I don't have see, I don't have time". Hoorah for lasik...I should probably look into that since I can't even see what I'm typing right now. Your haircut is quite dapper, my goodness - you're a handsome devil! Debul, I tell you!

Mark said...

What? Get out!

Good to see you again. I love your p.j.'s or whatever it is you are wearing. Where did you buy them? ;)

How are things? Sorry to hear about your cousin. That's so sad.:(
How was Conference for you folks?


oh snap said...

Pajamas? -Um.. you must be talking about my T-shirt. Yeah, thats what I wore to work. Sigh.. I pretty much bleed professionalism.

Andrea said...

Pajamas!?! Oh man that is funny. Mark is right- they kind of do look like pj's. What if they were, like, your faves with mini motorcycles or Elmo's or something.... the blog never lies!

Lindsey S. said...

It's good to know you are alive!! I want lasik but can't for Five years!!! Lameo...

Lindsey S. said...

P.S. I wouldn't be suprised if those were the onesie PJ's that zip up the body and have the booties! You know like my pink ones I wore for Halloween.