Monday, April 7, 2008


I am fascinated by Fixed Gear bicycles. My favorites are the bikes that have been converted from older-style cycles, and are a little worn and used. They are like art, and I love their simplicity. I'm determined to make one of my own, but quickly assure myself it wouldn't look quite like the perfection I see in my head. I might just have to steal one that looks right.

I had to include this shot.. because I've been to this exact spot in Portland.


Jewels said...

Thievery is always the best option - much faster, you get an instant reward and you get that fun 'nervous' feeling every time you see a cop.

Tayva said...

Dude. Sw-eeet Bike. XO, Mommy

Andrea said...

I want one, too! Find us some and we'll paint them up together. I'll even throw in the cards for the spokes.

Stu Anderson said...

When you get one of these bikes you should wrap it in electrical tape so little kids will not be tempted to steal it or light it on fire.

It is nice to see that your new eyes have changed your life.

Mark said...

Mmm. Cool. I love your family's responses, too.